Christmas Season is Upon us!
As the month of November draws to an end, most of us will come together with our families to celebrate Thanksgiving, giving thanks for the multitude of blessings that we receive daily from our Lord.
At Thanksgiving we give thanks for our spouses, parents, and children. We give thanks for the food in abundance on our table, our homes, our health, and especially our limitless love for God. Jesus teaches us to even bless and give thanks to our enemies, for they keep us humble.
But once the turkey is devoured and the football games are over, it’s time to decorate our Christmas trees and begin the month long exercise of celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
However, here at Puscar Production Studios, we are already in the Christmas Spirit! And thus when we caught wind of the Christmas song contest that RadioAirPlay is running, we decided to throw our proverbial hat into the ring and participate.
My soul glorifies the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my savior.
For he has been mindful of the humble state of his servants.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the mighty one has done great things for me!
Holy is is Name!
He has brought down rulers from their thrones,
but has lifted up the humble.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
but has sent the rich away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel,
remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever,
just as he promised our ancestors.
Song Production
Ideally, we would have had a woman sing the song but the words work quite well with a man singing them too. The theme of the song is consistent with the message of the Gospels, that the Lord lifts the humble, the weak, and the poor and turns his back on the prideful and those who flaunt their wealth.
We have not yet loaded the song to Spotify and Apple Music, instead choosing to shoot an accompanying music video and load it to our YouTube channel. We will release Mary’s Song as a single on Spotify in the weeks before Christmas, but for now, we are providing our followers with an early look at the music video and accompanying son on YouTube.
We hope you enjoy the music and play it while sitting by the fire your with families this Christmas season! Please share it with everyone that you know who loves God.
Don’t forget to listen to the entire movie soundtrack now wherever you listen to your music!